One year ago Matt drove me to Oregon (and back in one day!) to pick up Tess in the rain. She was a scrawny little thing with ears that drug in her food dish a definite opinion about life. Not content to cuddle on my lap, she perferred launching herself, jumping bean style, at the dashboard to better see the scenery. As much as I wanted a cuddly puppy on my lap, except for a few precious minutes here and there, she wanted to be in constant motion sniffing and exploring her world.
Oh, how little has changed.
As I look through my pictures I've taken over the past year, the vast majority are of Tess asleep...
It's not that she isn't cute when she's awake, it's just that catching her awake AND not moving at the speed of light is hardly possible --> and she's just so darn much fun that I'm usually too busy singing and dancing and tugging and jumping....and generally having a BALL with my puppy to pick up a camera and capture the moment.
I find that when I show off pictures of my pets, I tend to chose the same favorite ones over and over. So, instead, for this special anniversary, my pictures have a theme.
I present to you, my favorite sleeping pictures of Tess from our first year. (in no particular order).
On the way home from Oregon. The toy pictured came from a group of gifts given to me by my co-workers at my job I had left the day before. When asked what I wanted, I replied "puppy stuff".
My recliner --> somehow when it's YOUR dog on the furniture it isn't nearly as bad as someone ELSE'S dog on the furniture.
At the AERC convention
On the way to school. A more unusual position.....
Yesterday. In the truck.
An now for a close up.....(her ear hair looks funny because I let her play with Reed and he slobbered all over her).
Another pic from the trip home from Oregon.
My absolute favorite pic of Tess. Taken the first day we were home. I made the bed she's laying on :).
With another toy from my co-worker
Her favorite pal, Reed.
Why won't she cuddle with ME like that!?
At my aunts house over the summer. By this time I figured out she didn't like hard surfaces, so there's a pile of towels for her to lay on.
Can you pick her out?
Her first service dog outing.
Camping again.
More at the aunts house
Not technically sleeping and a pretty awful picture.....but it's sweet. It's late at night and she's keeping an eye on me.