Wanted to share one of the best nail trimming diagrams that I've seen! I grabbed this off the internet somewhere - if anyone has a credit for it, let me know. I think the most interesting thing to note is that clipping or filing off a little off of a long nail every FEW DAYS is necessary to get the blood supply to recede. I guess I had always assumed that every few weeks was adequate - but then again, I've never personally dealt with a dog with this problem, besides the dogs that came to the clinic for nail trims, that were always bad/long no matter what because we only saw them every few months or so.
And now for something a little more lighthearted.....
One of the funniest thing I've heard in vet school is "brachycephalic breeds are predisposed to everything except living". Seems like the onion proclaiming a recall of the 07 model isn't THAT far off reality. :)