
Below you will find resources that I have linked to in past posts, or website recommendations!

**Please note that I do not endorse every resource here 100%.  Instead I have chosen resources that I believe have more good things to teach than bad, and that got more right than wrong.  

Impulse Control - Youtube
Clickerdog - Youtube Channel 
Martinis Ranch Agility - Youtube Channel 
K-9 Nosework examples - Youtube Channel
Clicker Challenge!!!  How many of these tricks can you teach YOUR dog in a year? (also check out the facebook page)




Check out the Clean Run site listed under "equipment sales".  Has some GREAT articles on their website on motivation, agility equipment etc. 

Training Websites - may also have equipment for sale

Susan Garrett blog
Susan Garrett website (check out the article section!)
Sue Ailsby
Agility Nerd Blog
Affordable Agility

Equipment Sales

Dog Supplies
Clean Run
Planet Blue Dog

Specific Equipment Recommendations
My favorite clicker
StarMark Clicker Dog Training System

Brittany Websites and Stuff
Brittany Grooming 
Brittany color genetics
American Brittany Rescue Organization

Dog Food
Dog food reviews
Dog food analysis
Excellent blog article from "Little Big Cat"